
God says "cut it at the root." I have been hearing this for months. This uprooting starts with US. There are some things that are coming to the surface about us that the Lord will reveal, and some of it is going to be ugly. But in order for us to go to another place in God it must be uprooted.
God does not want us to be ignorant of satan's devices. We MUST get to the roots of the problem. It may even be something that goes back through the third and fourth generations.
Galatians 6:7 tells us "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."
Many have been diligent in teaching your kids the word so that they many grow up in the admonishment of the Jesus the Christ. The children will begin to be used this year like never before. Those that prophesy will carry the similar anointing of Jeremiah. Some of your own younger children will begin to step out early on their gifts that lie within them. They will have dreams and visions that they may not quite understand, but when you heard them you will know that they are God and will have the revelation. Your labor with them has not been in vain!
There are spiritual seeds that have been sown because of your heart to give. Whether it was monetarily, your time, talent, treasures....or even giving a meal or clothing to someone, etc. This is a year of reaping what has been sown. You will begin to have blessings overtake you in those areas that you have given wholeheartedly. Finances will now not be an issue like they were in the past. Much if not all of your debt will be eliminated this year. You will begin to live regularly in the OVERFLOW, and you will be able to give out of your abundance!
There is another reaping that will also take place, and this will be from sowing into the flesh. But this reaping must happen for you to get to the place of UPROOTING in your life what needs to be released, whether its people, places, things, or even changing the way you think. If you repent of your wrongdoings and mistakes, God will begin for restore what has been lost.
An emerging ministry called P4CM (Passion for Christ Movement) will now move on lives like never before in the body of Christ. It will impact not ony the youth but also many in their 30's to 50's. God has given this ministry a platform to convert new souls and restore others back into the Kingdom in a unique way. The anointing of Jeremiah will rest on many, young and old. A hard word will be spoken but it must go forth to bring back order and repentance to the hearts of men to restore the church into its proper foundation.
This is a word of the Lord that was spoken to me on October 11, 2011 but is still relevant for today:
God is doing a RENOVATION in your spiritual house. It may seem like it’s the devil but NOPE, it’s GOD!!! He is removing all those things that are now OUTDATED, DYSFUNCTIONAL & UNAPPEALING to His eye. Let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in what to get rid of and what to keep.
At times you may have feel beat down, worn & rejected, but its all part of the building process. It looks as if some things may be in shambles, but things are going to APPEAR to get worse before it gets better. Walk by faith and NOT by sight! A tearing down to build up again for STABILIZATION. This renovation MUST be done to create a more SECURE spiritual environment. To enhance the atmosphere! To BEAUTIFY you! Don’t be afraid to pay the price…it will ALL be worth it in the end! Hang in there during this change and transition. Trust God and be of good cheer during the journey. A positive attitude will cut your waiting time.
You SHALL receive DOUBLE for your trouble! Even now he is “tweaking” and PERFECTING those things that have been concerning you and bringing them into ALIGNMENT with His will and purpose for your life.
This is a LIFESTYLE change. Some things will be done differently now. But its all for the better, and you will have a new sense of FREEDOM in Him! He is renewing and restoring your soul! Restructuring your thinking. Remodeling your territory for EXPANSION of your authority in the Kingdom! Stay humble and don’t worry-God IS with you!!! It will ALL work out in the end!!!
Reconstruction in the Government & the Church
Many will begin to believe they are "stepping down" but God is sitting them down! There will be many discovered or rather "dis-covered" and exposed in the public eye throughout the education system, in sports, in the goverment and politics as well as in the church. This again is the uprooting process that must take place. There will be many "no name" people come to the forefront in the political arena as well as "no name" believers who carry the 5-fold gifts to be brought swiftly to the forefront in the body of Christ. They will not carry the creditentials that are acceptable in man's eyes, but will have wisdom & anointing, loyalty, and will serve in holiness. Some well known churches across the globe will have "condemned" signs and will close down.
There will be reconstruction in your families. There has been a "reset" button pushed in relationships. There are many things that have not been shared with one another that will begin to come to the head, and it will give you more understanding and mercy. This will start the healing process to complete forgiveness, unconditional love, a deeper relationship with one another. Through this you will accept your differences in personality, but you can now find a common ground with the proper foundation. God is bring order to those things that concern you. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!
Grace and Peace Prophetess Chanda Kea!!!! AMEN... This WORD is ABSOLUTELY ON POINT-STRAIGHT FROM THE THRONE ROOM!!!! Keep releasing the Word of the Lord like a TRUMPET-PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD!!!
Prophetess Latonya Wells
The grace of our Lord Jesus abound toward you..