January-This is a year of ESTABLISHMENT.....
February-The Lord says BE STRONG....
April-There is a DROUGHT in the land and it's the Lord's doing!...
May-Learn to count your LOSSES and TRUST HIM, God is making room for more! He is doing a NEW thing! The Lord's CONSUMING FIRE goes forth!.....
June-There is being a SEPERATION of the wheat ......and tares!....
July-FAKES and COUNTERFEITS are being detected!.....
August-The Winds of CHANGE are blowing! New wine for NEW WINESKINS!....
September-Even if you have to stand alone, STAND!!! God is doing a SHAKING! Sometimes a person has to be SHAKEN to WAKE UP!!!.....
October-RENOVATION TIME! A tearing down to build up for STABLILIZATION!! Walk by FAITH and not by sight!....
November-It's a NEW season, you NEED a NEW PERSPECTIVE! God wants you to change your thinking and your circle. He wants to take you to a new dimension and restore your soul! Do not resist CHANGE!!!...
December-NO MORE MANNA! Be led by my SPIRIT and NOT man! DO or DIE! Do what I SAID even if you don't understand it, or you WILL die in the WILDERNESS & not get to the PROMISE! SEPERATION=ELEVATION! There is also JUDGEMENT upon the land. Many will be put to shame because they have had time to repent and have not so I will UNCOVER them OPENLY!
Year 2012
I am raising up an army. The Lord says "Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms" (Jeremiah 51:20) Those who will be in this army will be asked to do things against what they have been taught, what they have always believed, because they are being brought out of the INSTITUTIONAL thought process into a KINGDOM thought process. They will be DEPROGRAMMED and AWAKENED from their sleep. They will know me beyond RELIGION and TRADITION, they will look to me beyond the four walls of the church, and SHALL know me in TRUTH! They are my remnant, my FAITHFUL holy ones will live in the OVERFLOW! Many of them are "no names" to others, but I will JUSTIFY them & the WILL be used for my glory thus saith the Lord! Many will know in this year to come that God IS God! RESTORATION for many in the month of April.
Year 2012
I am raising up an army. The Lord says "Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms" (Jeremiah 51:20) Those who will be in this army will be asked to do things against what they have been taught, what they have always believed, because they are being brought out of the INSTITUTIONAL thought process into a KINGDOM thought process. They will be DEPROGRAMMED and AWAKENED from their sleep. They will know me beyond RELIGION and TRADITION, they will look to me beyond the four walls of the church, and SHALL know me in TRUTH! They are my remnant, my FAITHFUL holy ones will live in the OVERFLOW! Many of them are "no names" to others, but I will JUSTIFY them & the WILL be used for my glory thus saith the Lord! Many will know in this year to come that God IS God! RESTORATION for many in the month of April.
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